Cllr Steve Charmley

Shropshire Councillor for Whittington Ward. keeping residents up to date with local events and activity.

My Focus

My Focus

Shropshire Council has been faced with significant financial challenges in the last few years. There is no sign that those challenges will reduce in the years ahead, the drive to make Local Aurthorities self supporting goes on. Whilst the pressures of my roles are significant, I still look forward to serving as a representative of Whittington & West Felton.

Steve’s commitment


I have covered many roles as your Shropshire Councillor since 2009, I have been a Cabinet Member from day 1 of the Unitary Council, I have also been Interim Leader at the start of 2016, and have been Deputy Leader since May 2015.

I will continue to commit my time to ensure that our local services are preserved by working closely with my local Conservative colleagues at Westminster, Shropshire and Oswestry Town level.

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