Cllr Steve Charmley

Shropshire Councillor for Whittington Ward. keeping residents up to date with local events and activity.

Freezing weather looks set to hang around

ImageThe big freeze gripping the UK could last until almost the end of April, weather forecasters predicted. Temperatures are unlikely to recover to normal averages for the time of year until the latter part of next month, the Met Office has suggested.

Sub-zero temperatures look set to bring misery to thousands of people for the rest of the week and throughout Easter weekend as the dangerous wintry weather shows no immediate signs of abating. Thousands of people in western Scotland face a sixth day without power after being cut off last week, and many transport routes across the UK remain impassable because of deep snow drifts.

More than 3,000 people in Argyll in Scotland and the Isle of Arran were without power after ice and snow damaged pylons, damaging the electricity network. Farmers have been left counting the cost of the blizzard conditions, with many having to rescue stranded livestock at the height of the lambing season.

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